珠宝是时间的沉淀,是故事的见证者,这次我们与SEEING与闻珠宝 合作,希望在满足顾客审美需求的同时,塑造一个能承载故事的空间。
Jewelry represents time and witnesses stories. In this project, we cooperated with SEEING JEWELRY, hoping to convey a space that contains both the beauty and stories to the customers.

● 隔离干扰,引导对话
● Less Distraction; More Conversation
SEEING JEWELRY owns a lot of artistic works of many famous jewelry designers. It emphasizes on the special story of each work thus the jewelry itself would have some deep meaning. To achieve this story-function, we divided the whole space into two floors.

The first floor is designed for hall and video studio. The hall can be taken as the buffer area. A solemn atmosphere can be created due to the concrete cantilever- structured stairs and the tender light from the ceiling. Customers can enjoy themselves in this space without much distraction.

Hall- Contrast between the soft curved line and the hard concrete


 Video Studio- The using forms can be changed.

The domed roof church gives the designing idea of the second floor. Decorated with an arched-shaped ceiling, the space feels much higher and also obtains some religious ceremonial sense. Extensive hickory grille is used, together with long pile carpet. The above constructed a comfortable environment that can lead the customers into the story of each jewelry

▲ 空间形态-两边低中间高的穹顶,既是造型也是解决顶部复杂管道问题的手段
Space Form- Dome Modeling


● 故事的形状
● Shape of the story

Jewelry contains story while space contains jewelry. We built a Church, hoping the space can lead customers to hearing those moving stories.

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